Research Highlights: A data analysis projected that South Asian adults living in the United Kingdom may experience elevated blood pressure nine years earlier than East Asian adults on average. The largest blood pressure disparities between South Asian ...
Research Highlights: In a randomized clinical trial in China, giving the clot-busting medication alteplase up to 24 hours after stroke symptoms first appeared increased the odds of better recovery by 50% compared to those who received standard ...
Research Highlights: Stroke survivors were more likely to have little or no disability after 90 days if a clot was removed from a large brain artery followed by the injection of the clot-dissolving medication tenecteplase directly into the artery near ...
Research Highlights: Neither a placebo procedure nor two different doses of transcranial brain stimulation, which send electrical signals through the skull, improved mobility recovery in stroke survivors receiving movement therapy. Motor function was ...
Puntos destacados de la investigación: Las personas que usan hilo dental regularmente (una o más veces por semana) podrían tener un riesgo menor de sufrir un ataque o derrame cerebral causado por un coágulo de sangre que se traslada desde el corazón, ...