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- Eating a Mediterranean-style diet improved brain health in study of Hispanic/Latino adultson January 30, 2025 at 10:00 am
Research Highlights: Closely following a Mediterranean-style diet — rich in fruits, vegetables, beans, olive oil and some fish and chicken — was associated with improved brain health in a study of Hispanic/Latino adults in the U.S. The Mediterranean ...
- El mantenimiento de una dieta de estilo mediterráneo mejoró la salud cerebral en un estudio de adultos hispanos y latinoson January 30, 2025 at 10:00 am
Puntos destacados de la investigación: El seguimiento estricto de una dieta de estilo mediterráneo (rica en frutas, verduras, frijoles, aceite de oliva y algo de pescado y pollo) estuvo relacionado con una mejor salud cerebral en un estudio de adultos ...
- ECG tests may someday be used by AI model to detect premature aging and cognitive declineon January 30, 2025 at 10:00 am
Research Highlights: An artificial intelligence (AI) model designed to predict a person’s biological age (age of body cells and tissues) based on electrocardiogram (ECG) data found a strong association between ECG-age and cognitive performance. In an...
- Regular dental flossing may lower risk of stroke from blood clots, irregular heartbeatson January 30, 2025 at 10:00 am
Research Highlights: People who regularly floss their teeth (one or more times per week) may lower their risk of stroke caused by a blood clot traveling from the heart and a stroke associated with an irregular heartbeat such as atrial fibrillation ...
- Stroke warning sign acronyms drive 911 calls, F.A.S.T. leads in symptom recall for publicon January 30, 2025 at 10:00 am
Research Highlights: Both F.A.S.T. and BE-FAST acronyms motivated people to call 911 right away for a possible stroke, and this impact lasted for 30 days. F.A.S.T. outperformed BE-FAST in the ability for people to remember key stroke warning signs...